Tapio 2nd Incentivized Testnet

Airdrop Stalker
3 min readAug 8, 2023


Join Zealy Campaign

Before we get started for testing the app, we need to join zealy campaign so team will be able to track our progress as well.

You need to complete social tasks first. They are doing partnership with some big projects and also included on zealy quests.

Provide Liquidity on Maverick Protocol

  • Open testnet app
  • Click Mint Test Tokens
  • Claim all those assets, skip if failed
  • Go to Pools tab
  • Scroll down and choose TAPETH-ETH
  • Click Next button
  • Select Mode Static

Swap on Maverick Protocol

Create Gravita Vessel with tapETH

  • Open testnet app
  • Connect Metamask
  • Scroll down
  • Click Open new vessel
  • Select TapETH

Deposit GRAI

if it’s complete, you will see something on pool page like this.

Wait for review, I will give an update on my Telegram channel for answer of both Maverick and Gravita Protocol QUIZ quest.

Pendle Tasks QUIZ Answers!

How does Pendle help users manage ….?
Answer: B

What does Pendle wrap yield-bearing tokens into?
Answer: C

What are PT and YT in Pendle’s system?
Answer: A

What is the process of splitting….?
Answer: D

What is PT equivalent to in traditional finance?
Answer: C

Which of the following describes…?
Answer: B

In the context of Pendle, what does…?
Answer: A

What would buying PT tapETH..?
Answer: B

What would buying YT tapETH..achieve/enjoy?
Answer: C

What is a primary benefit…?
Answer: C

Thanks for reading, this article written by 0xjez.



Airdrop Stalker

Stalking an airdrop is better than your Ex, don't waste your time and keep earning.