Fusotao Incentive Testnet Activities Guide

Airdrop Stalker
2 min readMar 17, 2022

As you can see above image, there are a reward bruh!

So, I will give you a brief tutorial/guide how to participate this testnet event.

Get Polkadot.js Extension

Firstly you need to download polkadot.js extension you can install it on your browser (for PC users) and your Kiwi Browser (for Android/Mobile users)

Get Test Token (TAO)

Thus let’s get test token on this faucet don’t forget to connect your wallet. and follow instructions titled “How to fund” yes you make a quote tweet contains your polkadot address to receive your test token.

Copy your address there, and paste on your quote tweet. this is an example how to make quote tweet: https://twitter.com/eljezdanna/status/1504280754339352577 you must wrap your address with []

Click the wallet icon to see your TAO. now let’s begin testing app and try out all features here: https://testnet.fxdx.finance

Enter Testnet App

Go to https://testnet.fxdx.finance and connect your wallet to fxdx testnet app

Complete the following steps on the FXDX such as Authorize, trade and revoke at least once each, Stake TAO for DEXs, claim trading rewards, and claim transaction fees share

Thanks, don’t forget to join our telegram and twitter.

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Airdrop Stalker

Stalking an airdrop is better than your Ex, don't waste your time and keep earning.