Fuel Testnet: Swaylend

This article written by 0xjez.
Sway Lend is a decentralized lending platform that operates on the Fuel Network, which has an Ethereum consensus layer.
Our platform provides a secure and trustful place for crypto users to earn passive income by supplying liquidity to the market.
Join our telegram channel in order to get latest updates related airdrop, testnet and free NFT.
Table of contents:
- Introduction
- Preparation
- Getting Started
- Get Some Test Assets
- Supply Assets
- Withdraw Assets
- Provide feedback!
- Fuel wallet extension (learn here how to install)
- Chrome browser for PC
- Mises browser for Android users
- Get ETH Fuel Test token (learn here how to do it)
Getting Started
Alright you already have a wallet and ETH test token. now let’s open the testnet app.
🔗 Testnet link: https://app.swaylend.com/#/dashboard

- Connect your wallet
- Choose “Fuel Wallet”

Get Some Test Assets
- Click Faucet button

- Mint all these assets

- Add assets & approve
Supply Assets
- Back to dashboard page
- Click Supply USDC
- Enter amount
- Supply & Confirm transaction

if you want to supply another assets you can click + button as well.

Withdraw Assets
- Simply click Withdraw USDC

- Enter amount
- Click Withdraw & confirm transaction

Provide feedback!
Due to limited feature, borrow assets functionality not available yet. if you found any bug please join to there discord server and give a feedback there.
That’s all guys, thanks for reading.
Important! I used to send an update about testnet I posted here on my telegram channel, feel free to join.